Dear Colleague,
We wish to extend a cordial invitation to you to participate in the 5th International Berlin
Bat Meeting: Are bats special? to be held in Berlin, Germany. We have some important
new information for you.
 We had to shift the days of the conference from 10-12 March to 24-26 February 2017
(two weeks earlier), because we learned recently that all hotels in Berlin are fully booked in
mid-March owing to a convention (the few hotel rooms available are exceedingly expensive).
We hope that this does not cause any problems and apologize for any inconvenience.
Please note the new date.
 Our conference web page is now open for registration! Please go to http://www.leibnizizw.
de/registration-336.html or register directly at http://www.bayceer.unibayreuth.
de/bat2017/. Please register as soon as possible since you may then benefit from
the early-bird registration fees.
 The revised program is now available.